October 22, 2024

18 Rabī ath-Thānī 1446

Zuhr Iqamah

12:48 pm

3 Hours 39 Minutes
Prayer Begins Iqamah
Fajr5:59 am 5:59 am
Sunrise6:38 am
Zuhr12:48 pm 12:48 pm
Asr3:59 pm 4:00 pm
Maghrib5:53 pm 5:54 pm
Isha7:18 pm 7:19 pm

Rules and Regulations

Harold Hill Weekend Madrasah

Please read carefully the Madrasah Rules and Regulations and thereafter sign and return the application form to the Madrasah or info@ecys.org.uk.
These rules have been drawn up and agreed by the Madrasah Management of Asraarul Uloom Wal Hikm. The purpose of the rules is to ensure that a positive learning atmosphere exists at all times so each member of the Madrasah is truly valued and able to develop their skills and achieve their full potential. These rules are not negotiable and the Madrasah will uphold these rules. The most beneficial and pleasant learning environment is one where there is mutual respect. This is achieved through good manners and courtesy. We hope that Parents and Staff will work together to ensure that every Student understands these rules and why they are necessary. Parents should not give instructions to their Child which goes against Madrasah teachings.
Time of Madrasah:
  • Madrasah runs on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Students can apply to attend one day a week, although it is strongly encouraged to attend both days.
  • Students are to arrive at Madrasah at the starting time of 10:00 AM and leave or be picked up once the session is over. Management or members of Staff are not responsible for any Child outside the Madrasah .
  • Parents are requested to ensure the Child is relieved from all necessities (toilet and wudhu) before coming to Madrasah, although there are Wudhu and toilet facilities availble at the Madrasah.
  • Parents who drop off and collect their Children by car should adhere to safe parking practices and ensure that no roads and driveways outside the Madrasah are obscured in any way. Similarly, parents and guardians are requested to be as quiet as possible when coming and going into the Madrasah so as not to cause even the slightest inconvenience to our neighbours.
  • Registration fees must be paid by cash at the time of admission with the submission of the application form.
  • Madrasah fees should be paid at the start of the month by cash. Please see ‘Fees’ page for more details.
  • As the fees have been reduced, they are to be paid all year round regardless of holidays or absence.
  • Registration and monthly fees are non-refundable.

Dress Code:
  • Students must be dressed appropriately. The uniform for boys is a plain jubbah and hat of any colour and the bottoms must not overlap the ankles.
  • Students are not allowed into the Madrasah with a trendy outfit or haircut e.g. wedge, short shave back and sides, Mohican etc.
  • Failure to comply may mean that the Parents are asked to collect their Children.
  • Parents must notify the Madrasah Staff in advance if they wish their child(ren) to leave Madrasah early for any reason.
  • Parents/Guardians are requested not to arrange family holidays during term time. Where this is unavoidable, request for leave of absence should be made in writing to the Madrasah in advance of the dates of absence.
  • Continued absence and lateness without a genuine reason is unacceptable and may result in the Student being removed from register.
  • Any Student who is absent for more than 3 weeks without informing the Madrasah shall be deemed to have left and will lose their place. Re-instatement to the Madrasah will be subject to the place being available and will require re-registration.
  • A Parent/Guardian must not enter a classroom during Madrasah times without the teacher’s permission.
  • Students must learn their homework before coming to the Madrasah. Essentially, Students should revise Madrasah work daily for one hour.
  • Students will be provided with a diary at registration in which teachers will note Student progress. Parents should check and sign the diary and leave a comment if they wish.
  • All students must bring their own stationary to class, to include a pen, pencil, rubber, sharpener, ruler and preferably colors as well.
  • Parents should encourage their Children to maintain high standards of discipline and behavior at Madrasah and also whilst traveling to and from Madrasah. Unacceptable behavior by Students will not be tolerated at any time and will be disciplined and may result in dismissal.
  • Abusive language by Students and Parents to Teachers or any Staff member will not be tolerated and will be treated seriously, which may result in dismissal.
  • Mobile phones, MP3 players or any other type of objects which distracts the Students from their studies are not allowed to be exposed in the Madrasah and will be confiscated if seen. Confiscated items can be collected at the end of Madrasah from the relevant Staff.
  • Students are requested to bring an appropriate snack (box) to eat during the break. This should include water/drink and a healthy snack. No fizzy drinks allowed or foods that melt or crumble.
  • Students are requested to use the Madrasah facilities appropriately.
  • Parents will be held responsible for any damage caused by their children to the Madrasah.
  • Parents must not advise children contrary to the Islamic teachings of the Madrasah as this will confuse the child and hinder their progress.
  • Students will be expected to make steady progress throughout the year in all subjects.
  • Students will be expected to continuously progress in Surah memorization as well as continuously revise all previously memorized Surahs.
  • Students will be expected to memorize all the Tajweed Rules and be able to apply them accordingly.
  • Students will be expected to learn all Salaah related Duas.
  • Students must complete all set homework.
  • There will be a compulsory final exam at the completion of each level of study.
  • Final exams will cover all subjects taught.
  • Final exams will follow a mock exam.
  • If a Student cannot attend an exam the Madrasah must be informed in writing in advance and the Madrasah will assess the case and decide whether the child qualifies for a deferral.
  • If the reason of absence from an exam is accepted by the Madrasah the student will be allowed to sit a deferred exam.
  • If the reason of absence is deemed unacceptable then the Student may be allowed to sit a deferred exam at an extra fee of £10.
  • Passing of the exam is a requisite for the Student to move onto the next level. The pass mark is 40% in each subject.
  • Students who fail the exam will be offered a chance to take a resit and their marks will be capped at 40% .
  • Exam procedures and requirements will be explained to Students prior to the exam.
  • For exam fees please click here
  • The Rules & Regulations are subjected to the interpretation of Asraarul Uloom Wal Hikm.

In the event of a complaint, please speak with a teacher or put the complaint in writing to the Madrasah.

