Adult Courses
Rasoolullah SAW has taught us that seeking knowledge is Fardh on every Muslim, male and female. It has unfortunately become coomon among many Muslims that after becoming free of secular eduaction they are now also under no obligation to continue learning the Deen of Allah Ta’ala. They cannot be more wrong.
Knowledge is the key to success, and every Muslim should pursue the path of seeking knowledge till their grave. Seeking knowledge is not only a means of guidance and self development, but it also earns the seeker immense rewards and most of all the pleasure of Allah.
Ladies Qaida & Tajweed Course
This is a great opportunity to learn how to read the Quran and improve our reading,
Alimiyyah Course
Muslims to develop their learning and understanding of Islam
Arabic Classes
adult classes for brothers and sisters to learn the Arabic language
Fiqh Classes
Learning Fiqh is an essential part of spiritual progression